You’re only as good as who you surround yourself with

Who is in your
personal boardroom? 

About the Personal Boardroom

Personal Boardroom is a practical, simple approach that will change the way you think about networks. Use it to identify a small, diverse group of people you trust who can help you succeed.

When you’re heads-down at your desk

an effective Personal Boardroom will increase your visibility to people who will shape your future

When you feel isolated working at home

an effective Personal Boardroom will give you reasons to connect and purpose to your conversations

When you depend on others to get stuff done

an effective Personal Boardroom will help you influence people you don’t have authority over

When you feel stuck or when a career crisis hits

an effective Personal Boardroom will help you assess options and take control

Discover the Personal Boardroom

Learn more about the 12 roles people play to help you succeed

There are 12 different things that people in your network can help with. We call these the 12 Personal Boardroom roles. By learning about these 12 roles, you will find out where you have gaps in your network, and how people you already know can help you survive and thrive in your working life.


Two ways to get started

Our Book

Discover the five steps to designing a Personal Boardroom. Learn how to choose 6-12 members from across your network and how to start having conversations with a purpose.

Personal Boardroom coach

Amanda can introduce you to our visual tools, and together with targeted prompts, help you explore who you need for the next step in your work and in your career.

Three things that are special about the Personal Boardroom

Grounded in research

Our approach draws on evidence from academic studies of the networks of high-performers.

Practical and useful

It will show you the gaps in your network and help you approach people to fill the gaps in a way that makes it easy to say yes.

Tried and tested

It has been used in many well-known companies, including the BBC, Capital One, Cisco, Diageo, Google, NatWest, Severn Trent and Tesco

Contact us

Thank you for your interest in Personal Boardroom. Do ask questions about what we do and how we work. Amanda or Zella will get back to you shortly.

Personal Boardroom Ltd Ashcombe Court Woolsack Way Godalming Surrey GU7 1LQ United Kingdom

+44 844 500 2843

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